Mule Week is a gathering of like minded mule enthusiasts brought together to share mulemanship skills, equine knowledge, fun, and camaraderie. Each day we will have various presenters and clinicians sharing their expertise and experiences through a variety of different classes, demonstrations, and participant based clinics. Mix all the education with self-guided trail rides, competitions, music, and poetry and you have yourself a grand event! Mule Week is going to be epic!
Where is it?
TS Mules Ranch
Ty & Skye's Place!
Spring City, UT
-Look up TS Mules LLC on Google Maps for exact location.
Participant Ticket (bringing a mule) - Includes One Dry Camp Site, and One Mule Pen Per Reservation For The Duration of Mule Week, Learning From All The Presenters and Teachers, Trail Rides, Self-Guided and Organized, and Free Entry's Into Our Nightly Mule Games and Fun Events, and join in on the meals and entertainment.
Companion Pass Ticket (no mule) - allows you to watch all the events and join in on the meals and entertainment.